Tuesday 5 May 2015

A letter to my Child

Dear Child,

You are welcome to this world.. This world, is very beautiful, precious and lovely place.  And you have been sent here, to make it even more beautiful.. even more lovely  place than what it already is..

Who has sent?

That nobody knows till date... and maybe knowing that is not going to make any difference... Therefore, do not waste your time on such questions...

We all have limited time with us.. How much ever it be, it is less... There is so much in the world..to see..  to understand.. to feel.. that u don't even have a moment to waste...

Possibilities are limitless...You can be anything..  can do anything.. can change this world..

Do something new everyday, learn something new everyday.. And if you have doubt in your mind regarding anything.. Then remember, its always better to regret on something you did than regretting on something you never did...

Because.. by doing something, even if u gain nothing else at all, u will gain experience.. And experience, is very valuable...
You should experience everything, but do not get addicted to anything.. Experience teaches you to differentiate between right and wrong.. It saves you from doing mistakes... But do not be afraid of mistakes. Mistakes happen from those, who dares to do something..
Own up to your mistakes, forgive others mistakes and give them a chance to reform them self.

Nobody, does mistake on purpose..Nobody intentionally behaves badly..
Nobody knows what is going on in other person's life.
Hence give everyone the same chance that you would give yourself..
Be kind to all as much as you would have been to yourself..
Respect All, Trust everyone, and love everyone. This world has deficit of love, my dear child. And everyone needs it badly. You will also need it. Do not hesitate to ask, nor be apprehensive of showing it off..

Life is very short..for embarrassment, hesitation.. Even if you know or you dont, Dance freely... Sing Loudly.. eat as much as you please.. Laugh out...and cry hard...

Grow up only by body... not by mind.. Because the day you loose the child within you, the innocence within you... that day believe me, you loose the life within you..

Think about your future, but do not worry about it.. Remember your past, but do not dwell in it.

There will be good as well as bad days in life. Do not be too proud of your good days, and do not feel devastated during the bad days.

Do not give all the credits of success to yourself and do not blame others for your unfortunate failures..

Dear child, just keep moving on...spreading happiness.. and always keep in mind, you have been sent here with one sole purpose.. that you may make this world, even more beautiful .. even more better than what it already is..

With lots of love..

Wednesday 8 June 2011


When i saw him for the very first time, i felt blood rushing inside my veins.."a strange feeling" which was first of its kind! I had never experienced anything like this ever before!
I kept gazing him, while he playfully looked around and smiled!
Uff! i can still feel the sensation that perplexed me,when i touched him first! I just couldn't keep my hands off him!
Then when i kissed him..Jesus! it was the most beautiful thing ever!
I dont know if this is what you call as falling in love but yeh,his is the most purest feeling i had ever and undoubtedly the most beautiful one so far..
Maybe thats why, When i sat down to pen-down few words on this 'Angel', It turned down into a poem...
Here it goes!

Looking at his Angelic smile,
 I was wondering for a while,
What on earth made it so divine, 
Being with him sends me on cloud nine!

The little teeth that were sprouting out,
Fumbling whatever was just taught,
Oh my Lord, he keeps me cheered,
He loves it when he is loved and cared.

The innocence and peace in his eyes,
Can help a dying  man to retrieve to life,
God's Angel That the children are,
My nephew is the best one so far..!

Well maybe, i am not that good a poet, But at-least my love made me put some rhymes together..

Monday 23 May 2011

Men never grow up...!!!

I have always heard the phrase " Some Men are dogs",but i don't agree with it, and i have few reasons for disagreeing..First of all, Dogs have keen observations,they don't pretend to be smart but they act smartly..But Men--They pretend to be smart, they think no one knows what they have in mind,but everyone knows what they are upto....Am talking about young men,the hot-blooded,fun-loving gen-next people..
I don't know what their problem is? Maybe, they cant settle their mind on one thing,or they never grow up mentally.They keep chasing butterflies like kids do...but hardly catch any..Lol

23/05/2011  10:35.A.M
I am on my way to passport office, along with my mom.I took her along so that i would get a company and besides she was free as well. We boarded local to thane and was waiting for bus. Gosh it was a long queue (one longer than you see before beverages corporation in Kerala)  but we dint wait in the queue and got in to the much crowded bus.(we managed sum-how) We pushed and pulled to move forward and managed to get ahead. There appears my protagonist, in semi-formals and a glares  .He caught my attention when he called up my mom to offer a seat and modestly stood(beside me). I did not feel thankful to his act,instead i muttered in my mind "fool, he thinks i dint catch him". There were several other ladies standing but, he particularly called up my mom to offer a seat. He stood beside me,grinning to himself. In between giving me  side-glances which i would purposefully acknowledge. He seemed to be a smart guy, educated and working, at least thats what his looks exhibited.I decided to trammel the peace he had in his mind (just for fun). Again, after some stops someone got up and he called out  me to be seated, i sat down courteously. He gave me a satisfied look, and got down at the next signal where a friend of his ( i suppose so) was waiting for him, with his bike.He got onto the bike and continued his journey, but thats when he caught me starring him continuously. He glanced four- five times "no, he hadn't mistaken, I was starring him without a blink." Buss! Thats it , the kid in him woke -up to chase the butterfly...

12:30 P.M
After long and tiring wait, i got out of the passport office, only to find him waiting there outside on his bike..Uff !!! what a patience hehe...Lol 
The instance he saw me, he got the grab of his glares which he had hung on his shirt pocket and wore it ,took out a handkerchief and wiped his face, enthusiastically, his friend by this time, was fuming with anger but like a true friend, controlled it all and took part in his friend's mirth.
I gave a slight smile and a naughty glance, (hehe, How evil i am!! I am playing with a feeling of a kid) that was all needed to boost him up and increase his restlessness to greater heights..
He was acting as if snared.He kept trying to communicate with me in sign language atleast get a response..I intentionally ignored them and kept talking to my mom...Poor Lad..hehe
Then Me and mom got in to a rick and i knew he would chase, he did!
As we reached station, i saw his eyes searching for me desperately.I walked towards the platform without getting caught  by him.But i could see him running, here and there...(lol, these men have all the time in the world for all such activities)  I boarded the train as it arrived, and he still couldnt see me, as the train moved i captured his attention as i stood by the entrance of train and he looked at me rather helplessly and painfully when i gave him a wicked smile..!!!
haha Mission Accomplished !

Sunday 1 May 2011

What is the meaning of Love?

This question haunts me. I know it is a feeling, but what feeling it is cannot be described! I never got a proper definition for it. In a search for the apt words to put together so as to define the magical word "Love"..
Love, i have heard it from my childhood. Ever since i started understanding language, i have been hearing this word...."Love" 
What does it actually mean? 
My mom says 'I love you' to me. So did my dad and, i used to smile and plant a kiss on their cheeks everytime they said so to me. But still, in my 3rd standard when a small guy from my class wrote "I love you" in a chit and passed it to me, i felt sad and i cried.  Even 12 years later i am not able to conclude what made me cry at that time...??
Well, years later in my teenage when a guy came up-to me to declare his ever-lasting love towards me, i couldn't stop laughing ! This time i knew the reason that made me laugh..I felt the guy was nothing less than a moron, to think that am foolish enough to believe that he is madly in love with a girl he met few moments ago, and cant live without..!! gross..!!
it does seem cute in Allu Arjun movies though....

I eventually understood, there are very few who really love, rest just claim to be loving.May it be mother, father, children, lover, husband, wife, siblings who ever it maybe, only very few has real love and compassion alive in them...
Love- It has to be selfless and unconditional.
People say i love you not because they love the person, but because they love themselves more when they are with that person...
Most of relations today are built on selfishness and insecurities.Parents want support for their old-age, children need shelter till the are capable enough to take care of self....and so it goes on...These are small small selfishness which are mostly harmless for each other. Lovers on other hand need partner to fulfill their emotional, physical and psychological needs and cravings. When someone say i cant live without you , its mostly because the contribution you make in to fulfilling their needs..it shows how important your contributions are!!!
Well, more i think about it, more confused i get. Describing what actually we mean by love is like walking through the ocean...!!

Still, if this selfish love is harmless enough for others and it is doing good for them, then let the world claim to be in love with the humanity and feel happy about it...!! ;) ;)

Thursday 28 April 2011

Good vs Bad

Wonder what takes it to be a good person.....??
is it the behavioral traits....the academic success...the humility and modesty....the depth of knowledge in the person....successful career...wise investments??? wonder what is it....!!!
well if any one could point out that..."these are the best qualities in a man"....and everyone in this world could agree to it,without a fraction of disagreement...
well well...that is not impossible but out of the world....there will be at least one person who may not agree completely with the prescribed so called good qualities....
what may-be good to one person's eyes may-not be that pleasing enough for the other....People differ, cultures differ, beliefs differ, opinions differs......
Its all about what a person perceives....
Morality differs from person to person and culture to culture....Bribing is considered as crime in India but, certain countries view bribing as a extra motivation to get the work done faster......We worship snakes as Gods, but some culture believe those reptiles are Evils....
Its just a matter of perception that differentiates good and Bad...
But there is one commonness about good people that is acceptable worldwide, those are the people who selflessly devote their time and money into helping others, work towards the enrichment of the society and contribute to the world.....The world views those as bad, who fight and kill, terrorize and torture the innocent people; for their personal interests and greed for power, politics and money...
But it is very few that the world could do to eliminate the bad people because,compared to the good-ones the bad people are in much larger proportion.....thus the former remains helpless before the latter....
But there would be a dawn, when the fight of good vs bad will end into the victory of former...
Keeping faith to see that dawn, in-spite of all the negativity and bloodsheds around........